Sunday, March 17, 2013


For most of my adult life I have viewed Relief Society as a nothing more than a class to attend.  And then a few years back, I accepted the calling to serve on the Relief Society Board as the Publicity Specialist.  I had no idea how what seemed to be such a simple, non-involved calling would change my life.  Basically, my calling was to make posters for the Relief Society monthly meetings and it was through this making, printing, and plastering of posters that I came to develop a love for and testimony of the Relief Society program.  I came to understand that Relief Society is more than just a class; it is a safe haven.

I recently came across a talk by Bonnie D. Parkin that reminded me of the lessons I learned during the time that I served as the Publicity Chair.  The talk, "Oh, How We Need Each Other!" has some wonderful quotes that I feel prompted to share.

"Relief Society is important to the Lord.  I know that.  He provided women a safe haven from the harshness of the world when He gave us Relief Society. We need each other, and Relief Society needs to be a safe place where women care for each other, where they nurture each other, and come to understand each other's hearts as they hear one another testify of Christ."- Bonnie D. Parkin

"Too many sisters... think that Relief Society is merely a class to attend.  The... sense of belonging to the Relief Society rather than just attending a class must be fostered in the heart of every woman. Sisters, you must graduate from thinking that you only attend Relief Society to feeling that you belong to it." President Boyd K. Packer

"Belonging is more than having your name on a roll.  Both individually and collectively as sisters of Relief Society, we are called to make a difference in these six ways:

  • Build faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and teach the doctrines of the kingdom
  • Emphasize the divine worth of each sister
  • Exercise charity and nurture those in need
  • Strengthen and protect families
  • Serve and support each sister
  • Help sisters become full participants in the blessings of the priesthood." -Bonnie D. Parkin
I have spent a lot of time the last few days, reflecting on how I can better help those I serve, especially those I visit teach, feel that they are a part of Relief Society.  I've also reflected on how I can better make a difference in our newly organized branch in the six ways that Sister Parkin suggested.  I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments!  I'm hopeful that something you might share will help me.  

Sister Parkin's talk in it's entirety can be found here.